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DEE Ministries, Inc.
Reaching Around the World
DEE Ministries is committed to sowing the Word of God to reach the lost, to reclaim the fallen,and to teach believers the principles of making disciples of Christ Jesus.
DEE Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is a Christian Education and Helps Ministry
that is divinely assigned to share the Gospel of Christ Jesus and to help those in need.
DEE Ministries is led by Evangelist Linda Blackshear Smith, a native of Tallahassee Florida.
Since accepting her call into the Ministry in September 1999, Evangelist Blackshear Smith has helped men and women of faith change their lives that were contrary to God, His Word, His Will, and His Way.
© 2022 DEE Ministries is a Florida non-profit Corporation 501(c)(3).